Benefits of Pre-Planning

Planning is a regular aspect of our day-to-day lives, reassuring us we’re prepared for whatever comes ours way. Planning your funeral —one of life’s biggest milestones—shouldn’t be any different. Pre-planning is a powerful opportunity to reflect on your life and legacy and articulate your wishes to your loved ones. Not only does it give you a say in your end-of-life arrangements, your loved ones won’t be saddled with unexpected bills, overwhelmed with paperwork, or left making difficult decisions during an already turbulent time.

Losing a loved one, particularly if sudden or unexpected, is one of life’s most emotional experiences. By planning ahead, your loved ones will be able to focus on mourning and devote more energy reflecting on a life well-lived. It’s a final gift providing comfort to your loved ones when they need it most.

Save More by Paying Ahead

A well-documented and financially secure pre-funeral plan is one of the most selfless gifts you can give. No one will have to guess what you ‘might have wanted’ or emotionally overspend trying to compensate for the uncertainty—or be saddled with an unexpected financial hardship upon your passing. Along with giving your loved ones peace of mind knowing that your wishes were carried out and honored, pre-planning offers several financial benefits, including:

  • Offers confidence knowing your financials are in order;
  • Guarantees a fixed cost for funeral home services and product regardless of inflation;
  • Complies with Medicaid/Title 19 and other low-income assistance programs offered in Connecticut;
  • Reduces or eliminates unexpected financial hardship on your family during a time of high stress;
  • Safely deposits all funds with an escrow agent;
  • Allows you to transfer funds without penalty if you move or choose another funeral home; and
  • Reduces the value of your gross taxable estate and expedites the Probate Court process.

Understand Burial Options

A funeral represents a purposeful opportunity to come together to pay respects, support one another in mourning, and reflect on the life of a loved one. It is a time for human sharing and connection in its deepest sense—a chance for loved ones to find closure and begin the long process of bereavement. Personalizing arrangements can make a tribute an even more meaningful experience.

To better understand your available options and determine which ones match your budget and preferences, we offer several packages to simplify your planning.

Review Cremation

Review Cremation Options

Driven by shifting attitudes, loosening religious rules, and affordable prices, cremation has exploded in popularity—so much it surpassed traditional burial as the top choice a few years back. Not only are similar funeral and memorial services, cremation comes with additional flexibility in regard to timing celebrations of life, choosing a final resting place, and more.

Explore our range of cremation packages to get a better sense of your available options:

Pre-Planning Guide

A funeral is not a day in a lifetime, but a lifetime in a day. That is why we offer personalized, tailored plans, and concisely explain all the options available to you. We know that no two funerals or celebrations are the same. This guide is intended to serve as a foundation as we walk together on this pre-planning journey.

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